What to Wear?
Kids can wear jeans, boots, T-shirt’s, longer shorts,
leggings with athletic shorts over them for girls,
tennis shoes if they do not own boots, and girls
have hair out of face in ponytail for auditions.
Matching outfits are optional, and not necessary.
Lots of people do matching shirts or something cute for the
audition but it is totally optional!
Send a water bottle in with your child with child’s name on it.
Arrive 10-15 minutes early to get checked in.
https://expressionsdanceandmusic.net/summer-2024-lil-wranglersOfficial Team Auditions
When: July 13, 2024
Tentative Schedule JW/LW/EW auditions.
Lil' Wranglers (Mascot/JW)
Lil' Wranglers (LW)